Thursday, March 29, 2012

38 Weeks

Goodness! I have been a major slacker when it comes to my blog! I have been extremely busy with Dr. appointments and just getting everything prepared for my little man! My due date is 11 days away! I had a Drs appointment already this week and she checked me and nothings going on. Today I have tried dancing, walking, bouncing on my bed since I dont have an exercise ball. No pains still. But Im praying that at any moment things will start happening! My next appointment is April 4th so I will let you guys know if anything changes at my 40 week appointment. FINGERs CROSSED!!! OH! My feet! They are so swollen! I have to constantly put them up, even when I am sleeping. They are swollen to the point that I am in pain. Ive been drinking tons of water and propping them up. My Dr suggested that I get in a pool 2 hours everyday...but I have no pool to get in so thats out. As far as exercising I have been doing Zumba on the Kinect at home and walking for an hour then putting my feet up then walking another hour. I do this at least 2 times a day sometimes 3.

How far along? 38 weeks and 4 days

Total weight gain/loss: about 56 lbs! I feel HUGE!

Maternity clothes? I dont know how its possible but Ive almost outgrown all of my maternity clothes these last couple of weeks. Yoga pants, big tshirts, and flip flops!

Stretch marks? Yes. :( All along my sides and thighs. This week I just noticed them coming up the front of my stomach.

Best moment this week: His crib finally arrived! So now all I need to do is set that up!

Miss anything: I miss being comfortable,sleep, being skinny, and having an actual wardrobe!

Movement: Tons of movment! Big rolls, limbss pushing out, and hiccups everyday!

Food cravings: ANYTHING lemon! Lucky Charms. Waffles with pb&j on them.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Have you started to show yet: Ha! Im more than showing at this point! My belly button is even making appearances now!

Gender: BOY!!!!

Labor Signs: No signs of labor really.He is head down. My cervix is high and not dilated, BUT I am thinning!

Belly Button in or out? Half in half out.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I think I am a bit of everything at this point. Happy, sad, anxious, nervous, excited, scared! EVERYTHING!

Looking forward to: Having some labor pains and meeting my baby boy!


  1. Congrats girl! I'm preggo too but due in August. Lucky me, pregnant in the summer. Looks like I have to find a pool cause I don't have one either! Best of luck.


  2. thanks for following my blog hope u enjoy my tips more to come good luck on your baby boy u almost their mama..
